Vue.js 3 Composition API: From Beginner to Pro

Jan Brian Paul Ebora (Brye)
2 min readJan 28, 2023
  1. Understand the basics of the Composition API: Before diving into using Vue 3’s Composition API, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the basics, such as the concepts of reactive state, computed properties, and lifecycle hooks.
  2. Use the setup() function: The setup() function is the core of the Composition API and is used to define the behavior of a component. It takes in the component's props and context, and returns an object with the component's state, computed properties, and methods.
  3. Break down complex components: The Composition API allows for better organization of code by breaking down complex components into smaller, reusable functions. This makes it easier to understand and maintain the codebase.
  4. Utilize the ref() function: The ref() function is used to create reactive state in a component. It creates a reactive object that can be used as a normal JavaScript object, but also triggers updates to the component when its properties change.
  5. Use computed() for derived state: Use the computed() function to create computed properties in a component. These properties are derived from the component's state and are updated automatically when the state changes.
  6. Leverage the power of watch(): The watch() function allows you to watch specific properties of a component's state and perform actions when they change. This is useful for handling side-effects such as making an API call or updating the browser's URL.
  7. Be mindful of lifecycle hooks: With the Composition API, it’s important to be mindful of the lifecycle hooks available to you. The onMounted(), onUpdated(), and onUnmounted() functions are used to perform actions when a component is first rendered, updated, or removed from the DOM.
  8. Test your components: As with any codebase, it’s important to test your Vue components to ensure they are working as expected. Utilize Vue Test Utils to write unit tests for your components and ensure they are working correctly.
  9. Take advantage of TypeScript: Using TypeScript with the Composition API can bring even more clarity to your codebase by providing type checking and improved code completion.
  10. Keep it simple: Lastly, it’s important to keep things simple and avoid over-complicating your code. The Composition API is designed to make it easier to write and maintain Vue components, so try to use it in a way that makes the most sense for your specific use case

