Updating Paginated Data Collections in Laravel: A Solution

Updating Paginated Data Collections in Laravel: A Solution

Jan Brian Paul Ebora (Brye)


As a Laravel developer, I recently encountered an issue when trying to update paginated data collections. After much trial and error, I finally discovered a solution that may not be the most elegant, but it gets the job done.

The solution I found is to use the tap() method and chain it with the transform() or map() method. The tap() method is a higher-order collection method in Laravel that allows you to “tap” into a collection and do something with the items, before finally returning the collection. This is perfect for updating paginated data collections.

Here is an example of how to use the tap() method with the transform() method:

$posts = tap(Post::with('some relationship')    // not necessary
->where("some condition") // not necessary
)->transform(fn ($post) => [
'id' => $post->id, // sample
'title' => $post->title, // sample
'some' => 'changes needed to be done',

Alternatively, you can use the map() method like this:

$posts = tap(Post::with("some relationship") // not necessary
->where("some condition") // not necessary
)->map(function ($post) {
// Changes needed to be done.
// You can also add conditions here.

It’s worth noting that you can add any necessary conditions or relationships within the tap() method, such as the ‘some relationship’ and ‘some condition’ shown in the examples above.

Please feel free to offer corrections or suggestions. I’m open to any ideas on this subject.

Please note that this is not a best practice to use tap method with pagination, it’s only a workaround solution. It’s always recommended to use the Eloquent’s query builder to filter and update the data, and then paginate it.

